Orange-Chipotle Ice Cream (download recipe)
Water (1 gal)
Orange Juice (1L)
Chipotle chili puree (400g)
Deiman 20ml of Natura Orange Concentrate (20ml)
Deiman Flavoring Concentrate 1 tsp (5 ml)
Deiman Citric Acid 1/2 tsp (1-5 g)
Deiman CMC (6g)
Mix citric acid, sugar and CMC until they are perfectly incorporated.
Add the mixture to the water and mix, incorporating perfectly.
Mix the chipotle chili with the orange juice and add to the previous mixture (step 2). Add Natura Orange concentrate and mix the ingredients.
Enter the mixture into the manufacturer to inject 30-50% air.
Shaved ice syrup (jarabe de raspados)
Sugar 18oz (500g)
Deiman Stabilizing System 1/4 tsp (1-1.5g)
Deiman Flavoring Concentrate 1 tsp (5 ml)
Deiman Citric Acid 1/2 tsp (1-3 g)
*You can also add fruit, pecan nut, peanut, coconut depending on the flavor you are making!
Mix sugar with the Deiman Stabilizing System.
Add the mix to your milk or water.
If you are using fruit or ny other topping, add it. Then let your mix boil for 10 minutes.
Let it cool down. Then add your Deiman flavoring concentrate and Deiman citric acid. Mix it all until it is all well incorporated. Done!
Gansito Ice Cream (download recipe)
21 classic Gansito cakes (Gansitos clásicos)
500g of Strawberry Jam (Mermelada de fresa)
7 L of Ice Cream base (Base para Helados)
70 ml of Deiman Vanilla Vainillol Essence (Esencia Vainilla Vainillol)
70 ml of Deiman Butter Essence (Esencia de Mantequilla)
1. Freeze the 21 Gansito cakes and set aside. (Congelar los gansitos perfectamente y reserva.)
2. Pour your ice cream base in your ice cream container and add the 70ml of both Butter and 70ml of Vanilla Vainillol Deiman Essences; put this mix into the ice cream machine until it doubles its size. (En el bote de preparación verter la base para helados, saborizar con las esencias. Batir en máquina para helados por 20 minutos o hasta que doble su tamaño.)
3. Cut the frozen Gansitos in medium to small pieces. Once your ice cream mix is ready, pour it into another ice cream container; pour one layer of ice cream then another one of Gansito pieces (you may also add some jam) and combine. Continue until you have poured the entire mix and all the Gansito pieces. (Cortar en pedazos pequeños los gansitos una vez batido el helado. Vaciar en un bote una capa de helado y una capa de gansito envolver un poco y continuar en capas hasta terminar.)
4. Decorate to taste with Gansito pieces and jam. Let your customers enjoy! (Decorar con un gansito en rebanadas y la mermelada.)
Day of the death bread
(download recipe)
Wheat Flour
2.2lb (1kg)
14 oz (400g)
11 oz (300g)
1 oz (30g)
0.35 oz (10g)
26 oz (750g)
Butter Orange Arte Pan
Orange Blossom Essence 13ml
Blend all of the ingredients until they form a dough with some degree of elasticity.
Let it rise at a temperature of 81°F (27°C) until it doubles it's original volume.
Break it and let it rise again at room temperature for 1 hour.
Take the dough and create your traditional Day of the Death bread shapes.
Let them rise until they double their volume.
Bake during 25 minutes at 356°F (180°C).
Christmas cookies recipe (download recipe)
Butter 10.6 oz (300 g)
Powdered Sugar 7 oz (200g)
Egg 2 units
Flour 1.1 lb (500g)
Arte Pan Flavoring 0.34 fl oz (10 ml)
Egg Yellow Gelicolor To taste
Blend the sugar an butter until they are fully incorporated (2 mins aprox).
Add the egg, the Arte Pan Concentrate and the Egg Yellow gelicolor. Keep blending at a low speed for 1 minute.
Add the flour and manually incorporate it (little by little) to the mixture (do not blend it).
Let the dough in the fridge for 1 hour inside a ziped plastic bag (it will be easier to manage).
Extend the dough in a flat surface, cut your cookies with your favorite cookie cutter and put them in a baking tray (remember to add butter on the try or a baking sheet before placing the cookies).
Bake during 20 minutes at 356°F (180°C).
Cookies decorations (download recipe)
Water 0.17 fl oz (50ml)
Sugar 11 oz (300g)
Deiman Royal Icing 0.5 lb (250g)
Gelicolor or Deiman 370 L***
Blend the Deiman Royal Icing and the water for 1 minute at a medium speed.
Then, blend at a high speed until the mix doubles it size and is white colored.
Divide the mixture on the different colors you want to make. Add drops of color to each portion, remember to add a few drops, mix and then see if you need more to achieve the desired color.
Decorate your cookies and enjoy!